Translation memory

Learn how to take advantage of translation memory and manage translation memory entries.

Ilya Krukowski avatar
Written byIlya Krukowski
Updated over a week ago

Translation memory is available from the Essential plan and above. Translation memory management is available from the Pro plan and above.

Lokalise has a powerful built-intranslation memorythat is shared between all team projects and members. Everything that you (or any other team members) type inthe editor,upload, or set via theAPIis being saved automatically into the translation memory for future use.


Getting started

What is translation memory?

While working on your projects, you may find yourself translating the same words and phrases over and over again. Wouldn't it be more convenient to somehow rely on translations that were done previously? In Lokalise, every translation that you and other collaborators add via text editor, upload, or set via API is automatically saved to a specialtranslation memory。For example, once a translator has completed translating a key from English into French, Lokalise will automatically save this translation option to the TM (translation memory).

Later, when you are translating the same phrase for the same language, Lokalise will provide you with a handful ofinline suggestionsfrom the translation memory. This way, you’ll be able to use the translation right away, without the need to type everything by hand. This is a very convenient feature that could save you quite a bit of time. Even if the phrase is not identical, the Lokalise engine will try to search for a similar phrase and display its match percentage.

By default, each project inside a team shares the same translation memory, but that may be adjusted as needed. Admins may create and assign as many memory storages as needed.

Technical limits

  • 8191 chars maximum for a single TM entry. Longer texts won’t be saved in the TM.

  • 1000 chars maximum for a single TM inline suggestion. Longer texts won’t be shown as a suggestion.

  • TMX files larger than 100MB cannot be uploaded.

  • The number of translation memory entries per TM storageis notlimited.

Translation memory

Translation memory feature is available from the Essential plan and above.

Inline suggestions

Inline suggestions are automatically fetched from the translation memory storage and displayed in the editor for you. Inline suggestions are shown in cases when the source text matches the target by 50% and above.

Suggestions with match percentages lower than 50% won't be displayed.

Also, for each suggestion you can see:

  • Text in the source language (English in this case). Moreover, you can see the difference between the current source text and the source text fetched from the translation memory. The difference in the translation memory is highlighted with green, whereas the current source text difference is striked out with a red line.

  • Translation in the target language (French in this case).

  • The name of the translation memory storage that the entry was fetched from (Lokalise Translation Memory in this case).

  • When this entry was added to the translation memory and who performed this action.

  • To the right you can see a "trash bin" icon. Click on it to delete a translation memory entry. Please note that this action can only be performed byteam adminsand it is available from the Pro plan and above.

You can control how many inline TM suggestions are displayed in the editor by opening yourpersonal profileand adjusting theTranslation memorysetting under theGeneraltab:

Populating TM entries in your translations in bulk

Whenuploading translation files, you can enable thePre-translate with 100% TM matchesoption. When this option is enabled, Lokalise will fetch each base language value from the uploaded file and try to find a matching entry in the translation memory. If a 100% match is found, the corresponding translation will be populated for the given key (provided that this key does not have a translation yet).

Also, you can apply TM to multiple keys inbulk。为达到这一目的,简单地选择一个或多个反式lation keys and then chooseApply TM tofrom the bulk menu. Adjust the match percentage, choose a language, and clickApply

Please note that this percentage is the minimum match and Lokalise will try to fetch the highest match it can find in TM. For example, if you enter 98% it means that first Lokalise will try to find a 100% match, then (if the previous attempt failed) it will look for 99% match, and finally it'll try to find 98% match.

Translation memory management

All translation management memory features are available from the Pro plan and above. TM search feature is available from the Essential plan.

Translation memory management is the process of modifying or deleting TM entries as well as creating, downloading, uploading, modifying, and deleting TM storages (TMX files).

Translation memory widget

This widget allows you to find, browse, and delete translation memory suggestions from your storages. Using the widget allowsconcordance search.

Simply switch to theTranslation memorytab or useCtrl+Gkey combinationand enter a search term:

You can enable the following options:

  • Exact match(displayed as the "quotation marks" icon) — restricts the search results to 100% matches (off by default).

  • Case sensitive search(displayed as the "Aa" icon) — make search case sensitive (off by default).

  • 搜索在所有目标语言— by default, you’re searching in the base language. You can search all target languages of the project instead by checking this option.

TM entries that will appear in this widget are:

  • Only from the TMs selected in theproject settingsof the current project.

  • Are not restricted to any file uploaded to Lokalise but are language pair related.

Please note that search will not be performed on the placeholders content to reduce noise in the results.

Click on thetrash binicon to delete a translation memory entry. Please note that onlyteam admins(as well as billers and owners) can delete translation memory entries.

TM search on highlight

You can easily search any phrase in translation memory by highlighting it. To achieve that:

  • Start editing your translation as usual and highlight a word or a phrase.

  • Open translation memory widget by pressingCtrl+Gor by using the corresponding icon in the top menu.

  • The search box will be automatically populated for you!

The above feature works for both source and target languages.

TMX files management

Team administratorsare able to manage translation memory (。tmx) files in the team settings under theTranslation memorytab. These files are the actual storages for your translation memory entries.

The following actions can be performed:

  • Upload a。tmxfile into the TM.

  • Create a new TM file.

  • Download a TM as a。tmxfile.

  • Delete or clear existing TM files.

After clicking theDownload as TMX filebutton you'll see the following dialog box:

Here you can choose to download entries for all languages or choose a specific language pair.

To upload a translation memory file, clickUpload TMX file。Please note that currently, we have a 100 MB limit onTMX upload。If your file is larger, please split it into separate files. To merge entries from a TMX file with an existing TM, name the TMX file exactly like the existing TM and upload this TMX file. The entries will be added to the TM with the same name.

Also note that translation units in the downloaded TMX file feature timestamps based on the latestTMX 1.4b standard:

Setting up TM in the project settings

Project administrators can select an exact translation memory to be used in the project. If the project requires more than one translation memory storage they can adjustTranslation memory priorityby dragging the corresponding boxes into the necessary order. Also, team admins have to select which translation memory will be populated with the new translations from the project by adjusting theTranslation memory targetsetting.

  • Translation memory priority— here you can choose which TM storages will be used toreadvalues from. In the example above the values will be firstly fetched from the Lokalise Translation Memory, and then from Custom TM.

  • Translation memory target— choose a TM storage tosavenew entries to. Alternatively, you can choose not to save anything for the current project. Please note that it's not possible to save entries to multiple storages.

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