AI LQA is your personal translation review assistant. It uses AI to automatically identify linguistic issues, deliver detailed reports, and help you improve translation quality without increasing costs.

AI LQA.Your shortcut to faster, better, linguistic quality assurance

Take a peek at AI LQA beta

With a bunch of useful features to boot, we’ll be adding many more to AI LQA in the future. Check out what’s available today below.


Run automatic quality evaluations

AI LQA automatically categorizes errors and suggests corrections using an AI bot.


Get LQA reports

Download an LQA report with a scorecard for each language to instantly see if they pass your quality standards.


See detailed issues

Want to see specific linguistic errors on a granular level? Click on the detailed report and see their severity per translation.


Perform glossary adherence checks

Check which translations are not respecting your glossary terms.

Sign up for beta access


How do I get access to AI LQA beta?
Sign up for the waiting list to get access. When you are accepted, we will send you an email confirmation.
What features are available in beta?
In the beta program, you will be able to use AI LQA to run automatic quality evaluations, get reports with pass/fail scores per language, and identify specific issues per translation.
Why is AI LQA beta?
The beta program allows us to gain valuable insight and feedback to improve AI LQA. Please share your feedbackhere.
How is AI LQA beta being rolled out across plans?
All Lokalise customers can be a part of the beta program. That means customers in Starter, Essential, Pro, and Enterprise plans.

Sign up for Beta today