
Lokalise and GitLab integration

Automatically exchange localization files with your GitLab repositories

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How the Lokalise + GitLab integration works

  • Connect your tool with Lokalise using the integration

    your GitLab repository with Lokalise

  • Push language files from your repository to Lokalise using the integration

    source files from GitLab to Lokalise

  • Translate strings using the Lokalise integration

    all the new and updated strings

  • Pull translated strings to your repository using the Lokalise integration

    translated strings back to GitLab

Frictionless and stress-free localization? Possible.

  • Sync your files automatically

    You don't have to remember where in the code you've made changes and what needs to be translated – all changes are detected and converted into keys automatically as you push your code to Lokalise. Once the new keys are translated, you can merge the translated files to a selected branch on GitLab.

  • Save hours of your time

    I want to spend my day downloading and uploading translation files from one platform to another'' – said no developer, ever. Set up the GitLab + Lokalise integration and let it do the routine tasks, giving developers more time to focus on building the product. No file downloads, no back-and-forth emails, no frustration.

  • No facepalm moments

    Avoid having ten different file downloads on your computer and not knowing which one's the final version...then accidentally merging the wrong translation file to GitLab. Thanks to the direct file exchange between GitLab and Lokalise, no downloads are necessary at all.
    Besides, there's also the Preview option when you create a pull request – check and confirm the resulting file/folder structure before pushing it to GitLab.

Who is the Lokalise + GitLab integration for?

An illustration representing the Lokalise integration with GitLab
  • Developers

    The auto-pull option, as well as automatic key generation for new and updated text elements, eliminate a ton of manual work for developers.

  • Translators

    Translators won't have to wait on developers to excerpt texts from the code, define keys, and add them to Lokalise. That's all done with the push of a button.

  • Project managers

    Streamline the workflow by asking developers to push their code to Lokalise every time they make any changes. All you'll have to do is assign tasks to translators.

See Lokalise + Gitlab in action

Get a live customized demo and let us show you how the Lokalise + Gitlab integration can improve your localization workflow.