
Play an important role in localization process

Employ two-way integrations with Sketch, Figma, or Adobe XD, or alternatively, set up filters by screenshots. Let your team jump on the translations before engineers even see your design.

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Quickly populate and review your design in different languages

  • Screenshot_workflow@2x
    Filter by screenshots

    Group andfilter by screenshotto easily find the necessary designs in your project.

  • Screenshots@2x

    Give your translators and team members more context by uploadingscreenshotsof your app or website.

  • Sketch_integration@2x
    Sketch plugin

    Two-way integration withSketch. Preview designs in different languages and receive valuable feedback from translators early in the process.

  • 718-Figma_integration@2x
    Figma plugin

    Exchange translations and screenshots betweenFigmaand Lokalise. Seamlessly switch languages in Figma and check if your design works in other languages.

  • Pseudolocalization@2x

    Pre-fill the design with text and test it before the content is even translated.Pseudolocalizationhelps you to simulate the translation by automatically increasing the text length by a certain percentage.

  • Chat@2x
    Comments and chat

    Collaborate with a team by adding comments to a whole project or to particular translations. Use @mentions to get someone’s attention.

  • AdobeXD_plugin@2x
    Adobe XD plugin

    Simplify the process of design localization by exchanging translations and screenshots betweenAdobe XDand Lokalise. Preview translations in your prototypes, fix any design breaks or push translations back to Lokalise if additional iteration is needed.

Ensure quality

Different amounts of words and characters, language direction — are only some of the key factors to consider when designing for multilingual content. Lokalise allows you to preview how your design looks in different languages to instantly spot and fix any design errors.

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与产品经理沟通,翻译和开发elopers, ask questions, leave comments, share screenshots — all in one platform.

Start now


Use Adobe XD, Figma, or Sketch integrations for the most frictionless design localization you have ever experienced.

Start now

Integrate Lokalise with other work tools

Automate processes, eliminate routine tasks, and track progress with ease.

An illustrated representation of the integrations provided by Lokalise
See all integrations

Lokalise has become an essential tool for keeping consistency and copy quality in our products. I can update texts in real-time, manage translation and spot grammar mistakes, all in one place. The UI is user friendly and the customer support service is top of the line.

Maria de la Paz Iglesias, UX Writer

Learn more about design localization

  • Designers_issues

    7 localization issues designers face and how to solve them

    Learn about the most common localization issues designers face and see how they can be solved. After reading this article, you’ll be more equipped to handle localization challenges and do your best design work.

  • Design-stage_guide

    The complete guide to design-stage localization

    Design-stage localization has emerged as the solution for agile companies that are going global. We wrote a complete guide to give you an introduction to design-stage localization, real examples of workflows, and more.

  • Design-stage_checklist (1)

    How to successfully implement continuous localization at the design stage

    Follow this checklist to speed up your localization process by implementing a continuous localization workflow that starts at the design stage.

Get other team members on board

Lokalise for managers

Stay in full control and manage your localization projects from a single platform.

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Lokalise for project managers

Lokalise for translators

Improve your productivity and deliver high-quality translations faster.

Learn more
Lokalise for translators

Lokalise for developers

减少体力劳动,have more time for developing new features.

Learn more
Lokalise for developers

Localization made easy. Why wait?

Try for free or let us show you how it works.