Specific Terms of Service for Lokalise Apps

We reserve the right to update these Specific Terms andLokalise Terms of Serviceat any time without prior written notice. Last update made on: August 27, 2021.

These Specific Terms are read with the LokaliseLokalise Terms of Serviceand the Documentation governs the use of Lokalise Apps. Any capitalized items not defined herein have the meaning given to them in theLokalise Terms of Service(the “ToS”). “You” refers to any user of Lokalise Apps. By accessing the Lokalise Apps, you accept the ToS and represent that you have full capacity and authority to do so.

Lokalise Apps

Lokalise Apps enables users to create and publish text, applications, software code, video, audio and other types of material, together with the applicable documentation (“Content”, as defined in theLokalise Terms of Service).


Lokalise’s license to you.Lokalise grants you a right to use the Lokalise Apps under a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable and revocable license, for the purpose of creating and publishing Content, but only as permitted through the Lokalise Publishing Guidelines as informed to you In case of any discrepancy between the ToS and the Publishing Guidelines, the ToS will prevail.

License grant to end-users.You license your Content to end-users and you must provide your own terms of use (indicating at least the (i) licensing conditions and term; (ii) applicable warranties; (iii) details on support; (iv) applicable fees, and (v) a freely accessible privacy policy with any Content you upload to Lokalise Apps (“Content Terms”). Content Terms must comply and be consistent with the ToS. You agree that Lokalise does not and will not have any responsibility related to compliance or non-compliance by you or any end-user under your Content Terms. Lokalise disclaims all liability with respect to any choice of license or any Content published by you.

License grant to Lokalise.通过提交内容Lokalise出版Apps, you hereby grant Lokalise, during the Term, a non-exclusive, worldwide right and license to: (a) make your Content available to end users: (i) via download, by means of electronic distribution available now or in the future, (ii) via additional applications, such as Content feeds (proprietary, or licensed by Lokalise from third-parties); (b) use, reproduce, distribute, reformat, create excerpts from, promote, advertise, transmit, and publicly display and perform the Content (or relevant excerpts) in any and all digital and other formats for promotional purposes in connection with Lokalise Apps and listings of your Content; (c) use, store, copy and distribute your Content; (i) for testing and evaluation (for interoperability and security purposes) conducted by Lokalise, (ii) for updating your Content as reasonably necessary for Content maintenance, (iii) for making it available through Content feeds, (iv) for purposes of exercising Lokalise’s rights and fulfilling Lokalise’s obligations hereunder, (v) for purposes of enforcing the ToS and Publishing Guidelines, and (vi) for Lokalise’s own business purposes internally, within the scope for which the Content’s use is reasonably intended. The license granted in the preceding paragraph includes the rights to distribute, promote and make available new versions of your Content to end-users, including the right (as described in the Term and Termination section below) to continue to retain and make available your Content to existing end users after the Term, and are granted under all applicable intellectual property rights (including patent rights). Additional or specific license rights may be required from you; such rights may be further described during your use of the Lokalise Apps.


Lokalise and its third-party licensors retain all ownership and other rights in the Lokalise Content, including all intellectual property rights. If not otherwise expressly mentioned by Lokalise, Content published by Lokalise will be subject to the ToS.


Providing feedback, comments or suggestions about the Lokalise Content is voluntary. By providing feedback, you grant Lokalise a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual and irrevocable license to use, copy, modify, sublicense (through multiple tiers) and otherwise exploit your feedback (including any ideas, concepts, methods, know-how or techniques embodied in it) for any purpose, without any restriction or obligation to you based on intellectual property rights or otherwise.

Compliance with ToS

When publishing or managing your Content you must comply with our Publishing Guidelines as informed to you by Lokalise team. If you host your Content on third-party websites, repositories, services or applications, third-party terms and conditions may apply to you and to your end-users. Such terms and conditions will not be enforceable against Lokalise.

Your Content will be available to Lokalise and end users subject to review and approval by Lokalise. Lokalise reserves the right to reject the publishing of your Content at its own discretion and for any reason. Lokalise may make changes to, remove, omit or discontinue any Content, at any time, and without notice, including for breach of the ToS, infringement of third parties’ rights, negative reviews, complaints or outdated content. The placement and positioning of any Content is solely at the discretion of Lokalise and may be changed at any time with or without notice.

In the event of your non-compliance with the ToS and depending on the nature and severity of the breach, Lokalise may issue warning notices to you. Two or more such notices may result in permanent termination of your account on the Lokalise Apps. Lokalise retains the right to permanently terminate your account without any warning notices in certain circumstances, as it deems appropriate in order to protect its business and customers.

You acknowledge and agree to LokalisePrivacy PolicyandCookie Policywhen using Lokalise website.

You further acknowledge that, if during our cooperation Lokalise will be acting as a data processor on your behalf according to GDPR, the following Data Processing Agreement will apply:Lokalise DPA.

Your Warranties and Indemnification

By publishing Content, you represent and warrant that:

——你有所有必要的权利和许可s to grant Lokalise the rights granted under the ToS, and to publish the Content and allow contribution in accordance herein;

- your Content does not and shall not infringe any third parties intellectual property rights;

- you comply with and ensure your Content complies with, the ToS and the Content Terms;

- you will perform security and functional testing on your Content and, upon request, you will provide proof of compliance with the tests.

You are solely responsible for your Content and will indemnify Lokalise, its affiliates, licensors and employees for any damage arising out of, or in connection with, the Content. If you have a dispute with any end-users, you agree to release and indemnify Lokalise, its affiliates, licensors and employees from any and all claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with such dispute.

Specific Warranty Disclaimer

In respect of any user-generated Content, your relationship is directly with the respective Content creator. You agree that Lokalise, its affiliates and its licensors are not responsible for Content made available by end-users of Lokalise Apps.

Lokalise may, but does not have an obligation to, review any user-generated Content and does not provide any warranty for such Content. User-generated Content Terms are not binding on Lokalise. Nonetheless, as a third-party beneficiary of the agreement between you and other users, Lokalise will have the right (and will be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce that agreement against you as a third-party beneficiary.

Your Content Terms do not modify or affect the ToS. It is not Lokalise’s responsibility to enforce your Content Terms.

Term and Termination

The term of these Specific Terms (the “Term”) will begin on the date you access Lokalise Apps or, as the case may be, submit your content and will continue until you or Lokalise terminates it in accordance with the ToS.

Lokalise may remove your account as allowed under Specific Terms, or follow a request from you to remove the account. As a result of your account being terminated, you will not be able to sign into your account or access your Content.

In case you want to delist your Content from the Lokalise Apps, you may do so at your discretion; however, we recommend notifying Lokalise of your intention to remove the Content and of the reasoning to do so. Removing your Content does not equate to a termination of your account or Specific Terms. Lokalise may retain copies of your Content after the termination of these Specific Terms, or withdrawal of your Content, for its own record-keeping purposes.

Unless otherwise specified by Lokalise, all end-user licenses and subscriptions to your Content (including any related support or maintenance periods) will survive termination or expiration of these Specific Terms, in accordance with the Content Terms. If listed Content is removed from Lokalise Apps following termination of Lokalise's agreement with you, users must obtain licenses directly from you.


Subject to the ToS, you may use the appropriate Lokalise names, logos and trademarks to promote your Content as compatible with the relevant Lokalise Products provided you received written consent from Lokalise. Please send your requests for names, logos and trademarks usage to legal@www.wwealerts.com with the email subject “Use of Logo by Apps Contributor”

Lokalise may use your name, logos, and other trademarks to identify you as a Lokalise Apps content creator, to make available, or to promote your Content and Lokalise Products and Services, in accordance with the ToS.


You hereby expressly acknowledge and accept the provisions of the following sections of these Specific Terms:LICENSE, OWNERSHIP, FEEDBACK, PUBLISHING GUIDELINES, YOUR WARRANTIES AND INDEMNIFICATION, SPECIFIC WARRANTY DISCLAIMER, TERM AND TERMINATION.